Cancer Nursing Education Framework (2022) Update

EONS has updated the EONS Education framework. A task group of experts, led by EONS President Elect Virpi Sulosaari, began the update process in September 2021. The group consists of the following members:

Chair: Virpi Sulosaari (EONS President Elect)

EONS team management: Eleonora Varntoumian

Education Working Group:

Mary Nevin

Debbie Wyatt

Vanessa Taylor

Wendy McInally (EWG chair)

Other Working Groups:

Amanda Drury (Research)

Ani Khmaladze (Advocacy)

Tihana Gaspert (Young Cancer Nurses network)

Stylianos Katsaragakis (Communication)

The updated Cancer Nursing Education Framework was launched at the the EONS15 Congress, 2022.
You can download it HERE and from the Further Information column on the right of this page.

This Cancer Nursing Education Framework update is supported by EONS.

The previous EONS Cancer Nursing Framework was launched on European Cancer Nursing Day, 18 May 2018
 +  Download the EONS Cancer Nursing Framework 2018


The extensive developments within cancer care, the expanding roles of cancer nurses and changes in educational structures were the main driving forces behind the decision to revise, update and rename the former highly-regarded EONS Post-basic Curriculum in Cancer Nursing. The EONS Cancer Nursing Education Framework was launched on 18 May 2018.

Introducing the new Framework, EONS President Lena Sharp who led the revision project said: “This cancer nursing education document has proven to be very useful in many countries, with the previous version becoming the most downloaded document in EONS’ history. It has been used for a great many purposes, for example as a reference to advocate for more hours of training on certain topics, to promote development of new national cancer nursing programmes and career possibilities, to support continuing education programmes and as guidance for other educational events.”

In addition to being an essential educational tool, the Framework is an important part of the Recognising European Cancer Nursing (RECaN) project, one of whose aims is to promote cancer nursing as a specialty across Europe, based on a mutually agreed education framework.

The content section of each module has a guide to all the key concepts that need to be addressed to enable the learner to achieve the desired learning outcomes and practice competencies. Each one seeks to address a variety of cognitive levels to encourage more complex learning rather than just the demonstration of knowledge and comprehension.

To identify the workload associated with each module, the Framework uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). A total of 60 ECTS credits are allocated to the learning outcomes and associated workload of a full-time academic year. Each ECTS credit corresponds to a norm of 30 hours of total learner effort. The number of ECTS credits assigned to each module ranges from six to nine.

EONS members are advised to adapt the Framework to meet specific professional needs in their country and suggestions on how to develop learning outcomes and link these to clinical competencies are provided.

Letters to Governments

EONS has provided a letter for EONS national societies to send to the Health Minister of their national Government, asking them to promote the EONS Cancer Nursing Education Framework as a vital resource that must be used by all individuals and teams involved in the education, training and professional development of cancer nurses in their country and across Europe.

The letter further requests that a consultation takes place in the near future, and asks that EONS be included in that consultative process. Translations of the letter can be found in the Further Information section of this page.

The latest revision was initiated and led by members of the EONS Education Working Group but also involved representatives from all EONS working groups, EONS’ member organisations and European National Cancer Nursing Societies and other experts. For an overview of the developmental process see Harald Titzer’s article in the EONS Magazine.

Paper copies of the Framework can be requested from the EONS Secretariat:

Please acknowledge the EONS Cancer Nursing Education Framework 2018 when using the document.