Friends of fund, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation

Cancer Nursing Fund

Strengthening Cancer Nurses to Improve Patient Care and Recovery

The Cancer Nursing Fund (CNF) was established on European Cancer Nursing Day 2020. The CNF is a friends of fund managed by the King Baudouin Foundation. The Fund is a unique opportunity to support the excellent work that cancer nurses do and advance the profession of cancer nursing in Europe. The CNF supports EONS’ projects ensuring that all people affected by cancer benefit from high quality of care delivered by highly educated, well-informed and competent cancer nurses across the disease continuum. Donations to the CNF are made via the EONS website or the KBF website. The Fund supports EONS’ projects in four areas: education, capacity building, research and innovation.

     Your donation will help cancer nurses to:

  • have more access to education to improve cancer care under the EONS Cancer Nursing Education Framework,
  • sustain the development of research carried out by cancer nurses,
  • enhance the capacity building of cancer nurses in Europe supporting participation in conferences, and
  • support the development and dissemination of innovative methods of cancer care and cancer prevention.

At EONS, we thank you for making all this possible.

Projects made possible by CNF funding


We are excited to present the new EONS project, NURTURE – Nurses Uniting for Resilience, Training, and Emotional Support in Cancer Care to EONS National Societies.

This groundbreaking initiative will provide invaluable support to cancer nurses across Europe.

The project aims to increase the knowledge, skills and expertise of nurses caring for people affected by cancer, re-skill cancer nurses in healthy lifestyle and self-care, safe and healthy work environments  safety.

Project Lead Nikolina Dodlek, Project Manager Iveta Nohavova.

Find out more about the supportive community that is NURTURE and the project team making it happen

CNF grant of €650 to attend EONS17

The Cancer Nursing Fund (CNF) is offering a bursary scheme for 10 cancer nurses to attend EONS17 conference (4 to be offered to the host country – the Spanish National Society). Cancer nurses can apply for a grant of EUR 650 per applicant. The support will fund travel (airfare, train in economy class), accommodation expenses and/or registration fee for EONS17.

The aim is to give cancer nurses the opportunity to attend and participate in EONS17, increasing their involvement in the Society’s work, and also to benefit from a great educational opportunity.

After selection, candidates will be asked for proof of registration for EONS17 before they receive their grant.

Successful applicants will be asked to provide a one-page reflection report of their experience in attending EONS17 by a set deadline and put forward their names to be selected for the mentor session with EONS/EMSO on Friday 16 September at 16h CET. (Max number is 9 for the mentor session.)

Deadline is closed.

The list of successful applicants can be found here.

News about previous CNF initiatives

The Cancer Nursing Fund – “Friends of Fund” ECND23 support grant

The Cancer Nursing Fund – “Friends of Fund” supported up to, seven Early Career / Young Cancer Nurses by providing support grants of up to EUR 500 each to attend and participate in the European Cancer Nursing Day (ECND23) on Thursday 18 May 2023, in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The support grant aimed to increase the integration of early career nurses / YCN into the working of the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) and facilitate the delivery of the EONS Strategy for the next five years.

The registered participants who met the below description of cancer nurse were invited to apply: 

  • as defined by the EONS YCN group
  • Early career / Young cancer nurses with an active role in the EONS YCN group whether or not they also have the role of liaison to their National Societies
  • Early career / Young cancer nurses not already participating in one of EONS Working Groups


  • Applicants were requested to provide a brief personal view on

“How do you envisage the future of education innovation in cancer nursing?”  (max. 200 words.)

The support offered was:

Up to EUR 500 per applicant, reimbursed to cover travel and subsistence costs in accordance with the EONS Travel Policy.

Accommodation expenses at a hotel for a maximum of 2 nights.The EONS office will inform the seven registered applicants via email.

EONS15 conference bursary

The Cancer Nursing Fund* offered a bursary scheme for 15 cancer nurses to attend EONS15 in Paris, France, from Saturday 10 -Monday 12 September 2022.

Digital launch of the Cancer Nursing Fund

The digital launch of the Cancer Nursing Fund (CNF) took place on 1 February at 11am CET. This prestigious event, entitled ‘Cancer Nursing Fund – Strengthening Cancer Nurses to Improve Patient Care and Recovery’ was organised under the high patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid, Belgium.

View the video of the launch below:

About EONS and CNF
The European Oncology Society (EONS) is an umbrella organisation providing leadership in all areas of cancer nursing, research, practice, continuing education, communications and advocacy for better recognition of cancer nursing across Europe. Our mission is to ensure that all people affected by cancer benefit from the care of highly educated, well-informed and competent cancer nurses. EONS has members in 31 countries across Europe. The core strength of EONS comes from our members. We recognise the diverse aspects of nursing across Europe and strive for equality for all cancer nurses regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or disability. The improvement of patient safety and better clinical outcomes for cancer patients and their families is central to our work. The society firmly believes in working in partnerships across sectors and professions who share our goals and values. The Cancer Nursing Fund (CNF) was established by EONS in 2020 as an independent entity. It is part of the King Baudouin Foundation (KBF) and is overseen by a Steering Committee formed by members of EONS and KBF.

Donation by bank transfer:

Account Name: King Baudouin Foundation
IBAN: BE10 0000 0000 0404
Communication : 020/0860/00063
Bank: Banque de La Poste
Bank Address : Rue des colonies (P28), 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

For International payments in USD

Account Name: King Baudouin Foundation

Bank: Belfius
IBAN: BE32 0586 0213 0068
Communication: 020/0860/00063

Communication : 020/0860/00063 – should be always used at all times, as it is linked to the CNF Friends of Fund

Or, donate directly via KBF website:

For information on how to apply for these funds for your own projects or conference attendance, please contact