WEBINAR: Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan

12 February 2021, 11:30 – 13.00 CET, BRUSSELS TIME

Considering that Europe has a quarter of all cancer cases and less than 10% of the world’s population, it is
evident that cancer is a huge threat to our society. The overall economic impact of cancer in Europe is EUR
100 billion annually. Evidence shows that around 40% of cancer cases in the EU can be prevented, however,
only 3% of health budgets is spent on health promotion and disease prevention. The scope for action is
therefore immense.

The adoption of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan marks the beginning of a new era in cancer prevention and
care. With its policy objectives, supported by ten flagship initiatives and multiple supporting actions, the
Plan will help Europe to lead in the fight against cancer and will support Member States and stakeholders
turn the tide against cancer.

The aim of this webinar is an opportunity to inform the public in more detail about the Cancer Plan, to have
an exchange on the content and to discuss how stakeholders can support the implementation of the Plan
and its actions.

Supporting documents:

Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/promoting-oureuropean-way-life/european-health-union/cancer-plan-europe_en

EU cancer policy: https://ec.europa.eu/health/non_communicable_diseases/cancer_en

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