Take Action to be a Healthy Body Weight – and take part in the PrEvCan ‘Waistline Challenge‘

This month’s PrEvCan campaign theme is – Take Action to be a Healthy Body Weight – and we are asking everyone to take part in the ‘Waistline Challenge’ over the next three months.

Find out more at https://cancernurse.eu/prevcan/ and download lots of great tools to share this message with your patients to help you to discuss life style factors without blaming or shaming. A positive approach and evidence-based information will help us all to reach our weight-loss goals! Will you adjust your diet? Will you increase your exercise?
Tell us what you are doing to reach a healthy body weight by posting your Waistline Challenge photos or even short videos on social media: #PrEvCan #CANCERCODE @cancernurseEU