#EONSChat – Environmental Contribution to Cancer in Europe
6th December 2023, 6:00 – 7:00 PM CET
#EONSChat is back again! The EONS Advocacy Working Group in collaboration with the Communication Working Group would like to introduce: Environmental Contribution to Cancer in Europe
The most significant risks of developing cancer come from lifestyle factors. However, environmental and occupational exposure to carcinogens also contributes significantly to the European cancer burden. This includes air, water, and soil, but also substances and conditions in the workplace, schools, home, and other places people live, work and play. Many factors influence whether a person exposed to a carcinogen will develop cancer, including the amount and duration of the exposure and the individual’s genetic background. Many of the environmental and occupational cancer risk factors are largely preventable. Reducing these risks is essential in cancer prevention initiatives, such as those in Europe’s Beating Cancer plan.
Expert: Gerardo Sanchez Martinez, European Environment Agency
Moderator: Michaela Popelkova, EONS CWG Co-Chair & Helena Ullgren, EONS President Elect and AWG Co-Chair
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