EONS at the European Parliament – getting our voice heard where it matters!

Added: Wednesday 16 May 2018

EONS Board and members at the European Parliament campaigning for recognition for European cancer nurses

On Wednesday 16 May, EONS held an advocacy event at the European Parliament with the MEPS Against Cancer (MAC) hosted by Marian Harkin MEP and the MAC President Alojz Peterle MEP to share the findings of the groundbreaking Recognising European Cancer Nursing (RECaN) project.

Representatives from the European Parliament, patient representatives, EONS Board and members attended. The events highlighted the value of specialist cancer nursing and we shared powerful data gathered in Phase 2 of the RECaN project from four European countries (Estonia, Germany, Netherlands, UK) where nursing is at different stages of development.

Marian Harkin MEP said: “Cancer nurses play important roles in the multidisciplinary team that, through working together, improve patient-reported outcomes. I am pleased to host this event which aims to recognise this role and support cancer nurses’ call for fully recompensed specialisations to be recognised across Europe.”

Presentations from this event

+  Agenda

+  Daniel Kelly – Recognising Cancer Nursing In Europe – Key Challenges And Opportunities

+  Lena Sharp – ReCAN Phase2

+  Patrick Crombez – Future Challenges In Cancer Care

+  Richard Price – The EU Present Regulatory Environment – Threats & Opportunities

+  Ester Kovacs – EU Health Workforce Actions 2013 to 2017

Picture gallery

Gathering for an exciting meeting to hear the latest RECaN news and how we can make change happen

Gathering for an exciting meeting to hear the latest RECaN news and how we can make change happen

Hosting the meeting: Marian Harkin MEP and Alojz Peterle MEP of MEPS Against Cancer (MAC)

Hosting the meeting: Marian Harkin MEP and Alojz Peterle MEP of MEPS Against Cancer (MAC)

Our message about the recognition of cancer nursing is for all people across Europe - excellent care from excellent cancer nurses.

Our message about the recognition of cancer nursing is for all people across Europe –- excellent care from excellent cancer nurses.

EONS Past-President Danny Kelly talks about the key challenges and opportunities faced by cancer nurses

EONS Past-President Danny Kelly talks about the key challenges and opportunities faced by cancer nurses

Image from the EONS visit to MEPs Against Cancer

EONS President Lena Sharp reports on the important findings of the last phase of the RECaN project

EONS Board Member Patrick Crombez identifies current and future challenges in cancer nursing which mainly relate to new cancer treatment options, new cancer care models and societal issues.

EONS Board Member Patrick Crombez identifies current and future challenges in cancer nursing which mainly relate to new cancer treatment options, new cancer care models and societal issues.

Image from the EONS visit to MEPs Against Cancer

Richard Price, EU Affairs Policy Manager, ECCO tells us about the EU’s present regulatory environment

A good job done and a major step in advocating for cancer nursing at the European Parliament

A good job done and a major step in advocating for cancer nursing at the European Parliament

Logo for European Week Against Cancer, 25-31 May 2019