Purpose of the grant

This grant aims to support early-career cancer nurses in developing or conducting a research
project within their field of practice.

How to apply

Please complete your application online here.

Deadline for applications is now extended to Sunday 11th August 2024 noon.

Announcement of successful applicants in September 2024

What does it fund?

The grant must be used to cover direct research expenses, e.g.,
‐ patient and public involvement,
‐ software licences,
‐ methodological courses,
‐ materials and consumables of the project: print costs, flyers.
‐ costs related to data analysis, such as consultation fees, may be eligible for coverage if
adequately justified. For instance, expenses could be justified if they are for units or
facilities offering specialized expertise not available within the research group or
clinical team.All expenses must be justified and related to the proposed research activities. Third-party
contributions should be indicated. The budget will be checked, and expenses might be
adjusted if they are not calculated or justified correctly.

What does it not fund?

The grant will not fund tuition, publication fees, conferences, personal salary costs or to
employ research assistants, most hardware and other equipment intended for personal use
outside the framework of the submitted research project (e.g., laptops), costs related to
obtaining ethical approval for the research project.

Requirements for applicants

  • Applicants must be an early career cancer nurse, with less than ten years of clinical
    experience in oncology.
  • Applicants may hold a pre-doctoral degree (e.g., RN, BSc, Graduate Diploma, MSc, or
    PhD candidates), or have defended their PhD within the past 12 months.
  • Applicants must have identified a clinical/academic mentor who will support the
    conduct of the project. Mentors must hold a PhD degree. A letter of support will be
  • Applicants must also provide a letter of support from her/his employer (including employer’s contact info) to conduct the proposed activity.
  • Applicants must be an individual member of EONS or a member of EONS through a National Society.

Desirable Criteria:

Proposals submitted by nurses who work in clinical settings will be prioritised.
Priority will be given to applicants who have not received a previous EONS grant.
Previous participation in the EONS Masterclass and/or EONS Research Workshops will not
affect applicants’ eligibility for this grant.
Funding applications, which have a matched co-funding commitment from the applicant’s
employer, will be considered favourably.
Where co-funding is available, the employer should state it in the letter of support.
The co-funding amount committed to the project must be provided in the detailed budget.

Submission format and content

The following information is required and should be provided

1.Online application form

a. Principal applicant information (contact details, professional activity)
b. Researcher/group information (contact details, roles in the project)
c. Relevance of the topic to clinical cancer nursing (150 words max)
d. Impact of the research for the field of practice (150 words max)
e. Benefit of this grant for the applicant’s career (150 words max)
f. Research proposal, including background/rationale, aims/objectives, methods,
feasibility/timeframe, expected outcomes, and dissemination plan (500 words max.)

2. A detailed budget in Euros, including
a. total funding requested from the EONS Early Career Research Grant
b. cost and justification for all budget items.
c. details and amount of co-funding (if applicable)

3. A letter of support from:
a. the applicants’ employer, and
b. the applicants’ clinical/academic mentor

4. 2 pages CV of the applicant

Criteria of evaluation

Submitted proposals will be evaluated by the research committee on the following criteria: Formal eligibility of the applicant.Justification and appropriateness of the budget. Rationale for conducting the research.Aims / Objectives of the research proposal.Suitability of the method(s).Feasibility / planning of the research proposal.Expected outcomes.Dissemination plan.Impact of the research in the applicant’s field of practice. Benefit of this grant for the applicant’s career.

Payment and reporting schedule

  • Grantees must account for all expenses with a purchase receipt or invoice. Costs are reimbursed upon production of a receipt or invoice. The applicant must submit receipts for all costs associated with the grant. 20% of funds will be withheld until the final reports (see below) are submitted.
  • The grant funding must be used within a 12-month period from the date of acceptance. Any expenses incurred beyond this 12-month period will not be eligible for reimbursement or consideration for extension. Recipients are responsible for ensuring that all expenses are incurred within the funding period and are in accordance with the approved project budget. Any deviation from the approved budget must be justified and approved by the grant administrators.
  • Applicants are required to submit a short report within 12 months of receiving the grant (500 words) to EONS detailing what has been gained from the experience and what scientific outcomes or (preliminary) results have been achieved. This report will be published on the EONS website and EONS newsletter.
  • Beneficiaries of the EONS early career research grant need to acknowledge EONS in all communication and dissemination activities related to the funded project.

How to apply

Please complete your application online here.

Deadline for applications is now extended to Sunday 11th August 2024 noon.

Announcement of successful applicants in September 2024


Please contact the EONS office at eons.secretariat@cancernurse.eu in case you would like advice from a member of the EONS Research Working Group (see below) who can help to facilitate an introduction.

Early Career Research Grant TG 2024:

Sara Colomer-Lahiguera
Susana Miguel
Cherith Semple
Maura Dowling
Paz Fernandez-Ortega

Co-chairs Research WG:
Gülcan Bağçivan
Amanda Drury