Call to protect children from the marketing of nutritionally poor food

Nutrition is a critical factor for the health and development of children as a balanced diet can build a stronger immune system, lower the risk of non-communicable diseases (such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and increase life expectancy. Despite this, the food industry has been for years marketing nutritionally poor food targeted at children, placing profit above health. EONS together with EPHA and other organisations has endorsed an open letter which calls for the adoption of a legislation by the European Union to regulate the cross-border marketing of food and minimise the exposure of children to nutritionally poor food marketing by ending the marketing of it on broadcast media (from 6-9pm) and on digital media, ending sponsorship by food brands at big events and ending marketing techniques appealing to children (food labelling and influencers’ paid promotions of poor food).
Read the full letter here.

Explore what the EU can do to protect children’s rights and health