BECA adopts report calling for stronger action against cancer

On 9 December 2021, the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) adopted the “Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy’’ report to strengthen the EU’s role in the fight against cancer and to move towards a European Health Union. The recommendations focus on facilitating access to cross-border healthcare and clinical trials for cancer patients, extending the use of joint procurement procedures, managing shortages of cancer medicines, guaranteeing the “Right to be Forgotten” as well as ensuring equal access to innovative cancer drugs and treatments. EONS welcomes the report which aims to act on all the determinants, in all policies, to lead to a reduction in behavioural, professional, social or economic risks with a focus on prevention and investing more in healthcare professionals’ skills. The Parliament’s plenary is expected to adopt the report in early 2022 and this plan will be primarily financed by four billion euros from the EU4Health programme. Read the full press release.