EONS Board Elections 2024- Call to vote NOW OPEN

EONS full members (EONS individual members and the EONS National Oncology Nursing Societies) have been invited by email to provide nominations for candidates to be elected for the position of Early Career Board Member and for the position of Communication Working Group Board Member.

We would now like to inform our membership that as a result of the call for nominations, two candidates have submitted a nomination for the position of EONS Early Career Board Member, and three candidates have submitted a nomination for the position of EONS Communication Working Group Board Member: 

Candidate (s) Early Career Board Member

Hazal Ozdemir Koyu (Turkey)

Dimitrios Protogiros (Greece)

Candidate(s) Communication Working Group Board Member

Remziye Semerci (Turkey)

Stavroula Chante (United Kingdom)

Caitriona Duggan (Ireland)

A document profiling each candidate is available in the Further Information section of this webpage. It will assist the full membership in allocating the votes.  

EONS full members have now been invited to submit their votes.

Voting is now open.

Please note only the current individual members and the representatives of the National Oncology Nursing Societies that have paid their January-December 2024 membership fee are eligible to vote. In case your Society has not yet paid the Society membership fee, please make sure to pay the relevant membership fee before the voting deadline of Monday 19 August in case you want to submit your vote(s).

The number of votes per member is defined in the Constitution.

Individual members each have one vote for each vacant Board seat.

National Cancer Nursing Societies receive a number of votes based on the size of their membership.  It is the responsibility of the President of each Society to discuss the allocation of the votes with all relevant Society persons before completing the online voting ballot.   

A summary of the number of votes per Society is available in the Further Information section together with the election process.

Deadline to submit votes is Monday 19 August, 12.00 noon CET.

We encourage every member to actively engage in Society business by responding to this invitation for voting.

If you are a full member and you have not received the email invite to vote with the link , please contact the EONS secretariat at eons.secretariat@cancernurse.eu