Parliament votes to set up Special Committee on Cancer

On 18 June, the European Parliament voted to set up a Special Committee on Cancer which will try and ensure that policies are mutually consistent on cancer, looking at actions to strengthen the approach at every key stage of the disease: prevention, diagnosis, treatment, life as a cancer survivor and palliative care.

EONS welcomes this decision and is looking forward to collaborating with the Committee by providing scientific knowledge and expertise to reduce the burden of cancer in Europe. The Committee will be formed of 33 MEPs with an initial duration of 12 months (potentially to be extended) and will act according to the adopted terms of reference.

In 2019, A Cancer Mission Board was established by DG GROW with the aim to reduce the burden of cancer across Europe. The Board recently released  Conquering Cancer – Mission possible, an interim report which proposes 13 recommendations to prevent cancers, optimise diagnostics and treatment and support quality of life during and after survivorship. The Mission sets the basis for developing synergies with national cancer plans and other actions of Members States under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027), and is an essential and fundamental element in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.